Five Minute Motivation

Smile in trouble.

Episode Summary

Hosts Patrick Giarelli and Brian Donovan have 5 minutes to take a quote that you may have seen in your everyday life on social media accounts and the walls of your guidance counselor's office, and hit you with some wisdom and insight that you may not have considered before. You may hear some F*Bombs and we're not always appropriate, but Five Minute Motivation is all about making the world a better place by asking listeners to pay attention, work hard, and be kind to others.

Episode Notes

Good old Leo DV was a pretty smart guy.  Invented a lot of stuff, created some amazing art, and gave us this episode's quote...

"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection."

Although Patrick only focused on the first part of the quote, we get the gist.  There are tough things happening to us all of the time.  We never seem to get a break, in fact.  What we discover after overcoming these obstacles and daily challenges is that we can't stem the tide of those gnarly aspects of life, but what we can alter is how we react to them.

We sincerely hope you enjoy this, our 75th, episode of 5 minute motivation.  We see the numbers, we know you're listening, and we can't thank you enough.  It gives us immense pride and affirms our mission just knowing that there are people  (like you! reading this now) that are positively affected by our thoughts on life, love, laughter, and generosity to name a few.  We are excited to offer an opportunity to become more involved.  We have a new home for our listeners to show their appreciation and directly support 5 Minute Motivation on Patreon.  We will continue to develop special offerings for our supporters, and are open to any requests for specific access or items that will adequately  reward you for your support.

Check us out on our Patreon page to learn how to directly support us in our mission to make the world a better place, one quote at a time!

Thank you so much for listening, and we'll see you in 5 minutes!